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Featured Pet


Species: Dog
Breed: Yellow Lab
Gender: Female
Age: 1
Owner: Rod and Amy Lydle
City: Olney, Illinois
We had to take Addie to Dr. Reeder last fall due to severe allergies and he did an allergy test on her which showed she was allergic to almost everything, grass, pollen, dust, ect. And so she is still continuing to get shots every 10 days, at the beginning of Spring she had to get them every 7 days, we are so thankful the shots are working and she is doing and looking amazing! Thanks Dr. Reeder and staff!

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Success Stories


Before: "Taffy” came to us in April 2009 and was diagnosed with pemphigus foliaceus

After: One year later her condition is under control. Pustules have disappeared & haircoat is restored.

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Pet of the Month


Dottie - is a rescue that now lives in Santa Monica, CA. She is also a patient at the Marina del Rey clinic.

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