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Featured Pet


Species: Canine
Breed: Golden Retriever
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Owner: Elisabeth Fisher
City: Corona, California
Beau is a rescue who is blind in one eye and had two homes before we found each other. He came to me perfectly behaved and happy to have his forever home. He is my shadow now, always close by, but ready in an instant for a walk or ride in the car. Beau has severe skin allergies but has started a regimen of injections that I'm hoping will keep him comfortable and restore his beautiful red coat. He is the joy of my life.

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Success Stories


Before: “Sadie” was diagnosed with mycobacterial infection, caused by a special type of organism called Atypical mycobacteria.

After: Hard to believe that this is the same dog! Coat has grown back and recovered well.

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Pet of the Month


Dottie - is a rescue that now lives in Santa Monica, CA. She is also a patient at the Marina del Rey clinic.

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