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Featured Pet


Species: Canine
Breed: Cocker Spaniel rescue
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Owner: Debbie & Gayle
City: San Diego, California
This is our beautiful little boy Dash! Came with his name and it fits! Dash would not be alive today except for the amazing Doctors and staff at the Derm Center. Their expertise & love helped us help Dash make a miraculous recovery from phemphigus. This little dog is all love and he is loved by many.

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Success Stories


Before: “Momo” was diagnosed with pemphigus foliaceus, an autoimmune disease.

After: “Momo” nearly a year later. He is still continuing treatment, but his recovery has gone quite well.

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Pet of the Month


Dottie - is a rescue that now lives in Santa Monica, CA. She is also a patient at the Marina del Rey clinic.

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