Feline Hyposensitization

Allergy shots for cats

In past newsletters when discussing allergic animals, it has nearly always been a dog that is the patient.

This month we present “Hazel”, a 6-year old cat from Indiana. She was seen by Dr. Lori Thompson in our Indianapolis clinic and just based on her physical appearance it was clear that Hazel was grooming a little too much. Because of the itchy sensations that she was feeling, Hazel would lick at her body to the point that much of her fur from her limbs and lower half of her body had been removed.

An intradermal skin test was performed and Hazel was injected with a series of various allergens to determine what she was allergic to and was creating the itching sensation. She reacted strongly to molds, some trees as well as a number of other allergens.

Once it was identified what Hazel was allergic to, a hyposensitization solution was formulated so that the very things that she was allergic to would now be given as injections to her. By injecting the allergen in    (continued)
(Picture left: “Hazel” undergoing intradermal skin testing. A patch of hair is shaved and marked for the injections.)

fixed measured amounts, Hazel’s body becomes accustomed to the allergen and it no longer recognizes it as an allergen and stops the allergic response alleviating her symptoms.

Pictured below is Hazel about eight months after starting her antigen injections. Hazel’s itch level has been reduced and she has stopped grooming herself excessively and her coat is now fully restored. Antigen injections are generally a life-long regime to keep her allergies under control.

Allergy hyposensitization has been found to be successful in 70% of dogs and 60% of cats that undergo this treatment.

Please download the print version to see Hazel's amazing "after" picture.

Animal Dermatology Clinic Celebrates 30th Anniversary

August 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of Animal Dermatology Clinic. Dr. Craig Griffin established Animal Dermatology Clinic in 1980 seeing cases in Community Animal Hospital in Garden Grove, CA. Dr. Wayne Rosenkrantz was a recent veterinary school graduate and just completing his internship at another veterinary clinic when he became the first Resident at Animal Dermatology Clinic in 1983. Soon after, they opened their own clinic (pictured below) in that same city.
Dr. Griffin, Dr. Wayne Rosenkrantz and a small dedicated staff represented the entire company.
Today, Animal Dermatology Clinic now has 7 full-time clinics in four states and 17 satellite locations. Currently, there are 17 Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology on staff. Animal Dermatology Clinic is now the largest single group of veterinary dermatologists in the world.

Calling All Groomers:  ADC vets to give free seminars

This month Animal Dermatology Clinic doctors will be hosting an informational seminar to pet groomers in the Orange County, CA area.

Earlier this year, Dr. John Angus (Pasadena, CA) was a featured speaker at the Groomer Expo held in Pasadena, CA. This west coast event was attended by groomers from as far as Japan and had over 2600 attendees. Last month Dr. Joya Griffin (Louisville, KY) spoke to groomers at a similar event in Ohio.

Many groomers are eager to learn more about animals’ skin: recognizing common skin disorders and understanding the many products that are currently available and can be beneficial to pets. These local seminars are a revitalization of programs held in the past and nearly all Animal Dermatology Clinics will be hosting a talk in their area in the future.

If you are a groomer and located near one of our fulltime clinics, please email Don Fruta, dfruta@adcmg.com or call 949-936-0066 to place your name on our mailing list and perhaps discuss topics that you would like the doctor to present.

If you are a client and you believe that your groomer would be interested in these seminars, please pass this information on to him or her.

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