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Animal Dermatology at Valley Oak Veterinary Hospital

Scotts Valley, California

Dr. Rosenkrantz sees patients in the Northern California satellite clinics four times per year. Please contact the appropriate clinic to schedule an appointment, or for questions call (949) 936-0066.

Animal Dermatology Clinic sees clients in two locations in Northern California, See below for details:

Valley Oak Veterinary Hospital
4650 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
(831) 438-6546

El Gato Veterinary Clinic
15748 Los Gatos Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 356-2181

Contact Information

Phone: (831) 438-6546
Email: infotustin@adcmg.com

4650 Scotts Valley Drive
Scotts Valley, California 95066